Summary_Reader Response Draft 2

In the article “Boy Genius Boyan Slant’s Giant Ocean Cleanup Machine is Real”, Schiller (2017) stated that an improvised design of the trash collecting machine would help to collect plastic trash in the Pacific. Boyan Slat first envisioned his Ocean Cleanup machine in a TED talk and would commence hauling trash from the patch, an area where plastics are accumulated in the ocean. His machine’s design includes large booms that gather trash with the assistance of Pacific’s currents. The booms function like an “artificial coastline” passively trapping debris into the centre, which would be offloaded to a boat monthly. Large anchors which would be suspended from the booms ensuring its manoeuvrability around the ocean. The anchors form four sections with a total surface area of 328 square feet, reducing the boom’s speed as trash circulates within the Patch. According to Schiller (2017), a 0.6-mile prototype would be tested by Ocean Cleanup Foundation before deployment in 2018. The amount of debris collected is expected to accumulate up to a five-figure sum annually, which are intended to be recycled into usable items.

While the Ocean Cleanup Machine is a wonderful initiative which aims to clear up plastic pollution from the Patch, the article failed to discuss about the efficiency in collection of plastic trash, uncertainties it might face to be fully operational and the durability of the system.

In the article, Schiller (2017) mentioned that it will cost roughly $320 million for 5 years’ work to cleanup half of the Patch. Even though it is claimed to cost significantly lesser than the conventional plastic clearing methods, it is still a large sum of money to be raised. According to King (2018), “the financial loss contrasts with the economic benefits of recovering plastics” and that huge losses are expected during the initial phase of the cleanup project. With a lack of funding, it would be very difficult for the system to be implemented operationally or as to how long the system will be able to stay operational.

The article by Schiller (2017) also lacks information regarding the durability of the boom and whether it will be able to withstand the harsh condition of the Pacific. According to Rainey (2019), an 18-meter section of the prototype was detached from the rest of the system due to stress from constant movement of the pipe and later causing it to snap. Therefore, it is very unpredictable as to how long the boom will be able to last out in the ocean which might result in delays in achieving their proposed plan.

To ensure the maximum efficiency of the system, the boom must be positioned at a U-shape and travel at a required speed to collect plastic trash with the control of the wind and waves. According to Peters (2018), the concept of the system is for the boom to move faster than the plastic and collecting it. However, the system is currently not moving fast enough to collect and retain the plastic. Therefore, the effectiveness of the system is solely dependent on the ocean’s behaviour.

In conclusion, the Ocean Cleanup Machine is a great initiate to start clearing plastic trash in the Pacific. However, the system is still in the early stages of development and the only one in the market. Therefore, the success of the system is unpredictable and requires a large amount of capital and effort to make the goal achievable.


Kart, J. (2018). The Ocean Cleanup isn’t capturing plastic, but organizers are testing a solution. Retrieved December 05, 2018 from

James, R. (2019). Ocean Cleanup device breaks down, well before ridding Pacific of plastics. Retrieved January 04, 2019 from

Peter, K. (2018). Ocean Cleanup won’t turn a profit, but we should still do it. Retrieved October 21, 2018 from

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